During a virtual Q&A on Tuesday, Michael Moore noted that 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden “picked the most liberal Senator” as his running mate and “that’s saying a lot”.

While the media tries to push a Biden-Harris ticket as “moderate”, even Moore is saying that’s not true.

“Joe Biden could have picked any number of people. He could have gone to the right, he could have gone to the left, when he had his choice to pick his Vice President,” Moore began.

He went to the left. He went to – as Trump reminds s every day – the most liberal senator in the United States Senate. And that’s saying a lot considering Bernie is in the US Senate.”

Watch below:

Why is this significant? The reason is simple.

According to the NY Post, MORE THAN HALF of US voters don’t believe Biden even makes it through his first term:

More than half of likely voters believe that presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden would not finish his first term if elected president, a new poll found.

The poll, released Monday by Rasmussen Reports, found that 59 percent of likely voters thought it was probable that Biden’s running mate would become president over the course of the four-year span.

Thirty-nine percent of likely voters saw the scenario of Biden not finishing his first term as very likely, as opposed to just likely.

This means that Kamala Harris would soon be the President of the United States if they won the election.

God help us.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump