Donald Trump, in the coastal battleground state of North Carolina following previous weekend speeches in Georgia and Michigan, continues stumping in toss-up regions while also promoting his hand-picked candidates in contested races. This weekend, he got a huge boost from the presence of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Lindell made a huge splash with his introductory remarks.

Speaking in front of a huge and engaged crowd, Lindell invigorated the audience with his steadfast commitment to investigate the truth behind the 2020 elections and inspired them with the possibility of a bright American future built upon a more enlightened electorate and the running of better candidates.

Lindell, seen throwing out hats as he got on the stage, immediately dove into his personal mission, saying:

“The 2020 election will go down in history as the most important election ever. And I’m going to tell you why.”

Lindell proceeded to tell a story about his own origins with MyPillow and having to learn the hard way to be successful in business. Despite bringing in over $100 million, he still ended the year in the red. He shared how reflecting on corruption, mistakes, and other business problems eventually led him to a better place. He ended by saying: “I would not have sold 75 million pillows and have 2,700 employees if 2012 hadn’t happened.”

Bringing his opening remark on the election and his own personal anecdote together, Lindel proclaimed:

“So, I’m telling you, with the 2020 election, God has his hand in all of this…[W]e wouldn’t have learned about politics in general. It woke us all up. Now we have great candidates that will end up having the peoples’ back.”

Lindell’s optimism is exactly what this country needs right now. Unquestionably, the election results of 2020 were unexpected. As we have since learned more about the collusion regarding the saga of Hunter Biden’s laptop, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg dropping ungodly amounts of money into swing state election operations, the media cheerleading their own coordination with political entities, and the unprecedented use of mail-in ballots – just to name a few of the left-wing tactics to swing votes – it is impossible to suggest fair play existed in the presidential contest.

Amazingly, those weren’t even all of the avenues corrupt pols could go to turn the election in their favor. Indeed, Lindell has taken aim specifically at how votes were counted and potentially manipulated.

Speaking about that, he offered his most rousing line of the night:

“They’re all going to be going to prison! Melt down the machines and make bars out of them.”

The crowd loved it.

Lindell also shared his next course of action, the huge and critical task of removing electronic voting machines from future elections. He announced he is starting injunctions in eight states, beginning with Arizona in the coming weeks.

With an optimism only a God-fearing Christian could have, Lindell concluded his five-minute speaking time with this:

All of the bad things happening were meant to be…and it’s waking people up.”

America is lucky to have a patriot like Mike Lindell in its corner. You can catch his entire segment below:

