A Newsmax Segment with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell went off the rails on Tuesday after a shouting match ensued with one of the co-hosts of the network. Lindell was brought on air to discuss why he and the the MyPillow Twitter account were suspended from the platform, but things got off topic within seconds.

As host Heather Childers began to ask Lindell about the suspension, he dove head first into allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 November election.

He was immediately interrupted by co-host Bob Sellers who said “Newsmax has not been able to verify any of those kinds of allegations.”

“We just want to let people know that there’s nothing substantive that we’ve seen, and let me read you something,” Sellers added as Lindell continued to speak loudly.

In an attempt to save Newsmax from future litigation, Sellers then read the following statement aloud:

“While there were some clear evidence of some cases of vote fraud and election irregularities, the election results in every state were certified and Newsmax accepts the results as legal and final. The courts have also supported that view”

The shouting match continued to ensue after Sellers read the statement and things kept getting worse from there.

Watch the heated exchange below:


Sellers then tried to keep the conversation focused on censorship but Lindell refused to let go.

“Could you make an argument that this could be a temporary banning rather than permanent?” Sellers asked.

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Lindell turned the question right around and launched into allegations of mass voter fraud and loudly claimed that he will be “revealing all of the evidence on Friday” regarding fraud “with these machines.”

At that point, Sellers became visibly frustrated and asked his producers if they cold “get out of here, please.”

“Everybody hold on a second. Mike, Mike, hold on one second,” the other host said as Sellers got up and left the screen mid-segment.

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