When Obama was President, he couldn’t go more than a few minutes without gushing about himself. Turns out, some things never change.

During a fear-mongering speech about how the world will end shortly because of climate change, Obama couldn’t help but talk about himself and his current lifestyle since leaving the Oval Office.

“Traffic is a thing again. Music doesn’t play when I walk into the room. On the positive side, I can give a speech like this without wearing a tie and not create a scandal back home,” said the failed 44th President.

I hope. But even though I’m not required to attend summits like this anymore, old habits die hard. And when the issue at hand is the health of our planet, and the world our children and our grandchildren will inherit, then you will have a hard time keeping me away. And that’s why I’m here today, to talk about what’s happened in the six years since I spoke to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris and to talk about the steps we need to take if we want to keep doing big things. Because when it comes to climate, time really is running out,” he said, trying to stoke fear in the audience.


Obama referred to himself more than 6 times during his short rant. I guess he’s more self absorbed than he’s ever been.

What is your reaction to Obama’s obsession with himself? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump