The job of protecting Joe Biden from the public is becoming increasingly difficult and sooner or later, questions will begin to be asked about who’s really in charge.

Biden’s handlers have been working overtime to keep the former vice president under wraps, only allowing him to speak for short periods in controlled environments.

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With some already pointing out that Biden may be cognitively compromised, his infrequent and often stumbling appearances are nothing compared to Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose own behavior has become creepier and more bizarre over the past year and a half.

On Wednesday, the most powerful woman in America and the political official who is third the line of presidential succession raised eyebrows with a strange story about her grandchildren and the nation’s absentee president.

According to Pelosi, the kids loved playing with the nation’s 46th president so much that they replaced the magic word “open sesame” with “open Biden.”

Watch below:

Pelosi’s office released an official transcript of her remarks introducing Biden at the 2021 House Democratic Issues Conference and she sought to present an image of the career politician working tirelessly out of public view.

“I’ve seen President Biden working behind the scenes, hammering out solutions for the American people. He is a leader with the humility to seek expertise and science and the confidence to act upon it,” said Pelosi.

Then Madame Speaker then went to the setup:

“My husband, Paul always says, ‘I just wonder how long into a speech it will be before Nancy starts talking about her grandchildren.’ Our grandchildren, my grandchildren, have for many, many years, been longtime friends of Joe Biden. They have a range in age, but all of them love Joe Biden. But let me tell you one story,”

She continued:

“I think was like 2013, four and five year old, two of mine, Paul and Thomas. We were at an event, the DCCC in New York, and Joe Biden was the keynote speaker. They were so excited to see him because they’d heard so much about him from their cousins.

And they met him they talked about pets and things like that. And afterward, after the luncheon was over, I took them got candy. Don’t tell their mom. I took them for candy at a place, Dylan’s in New York, where they have sort of like swinging doors.

You have to get through the doors from one part of the store to the next. So, here they are, the place is packed and jammed. Kids are making all this noise over there on the side. And all of a sudden, I hear them pronounce, ‘In order to open these doors, we do not say open sesame, we say “Open Biden.” That’s our magic word.’”

“Open Biden? I love it,” said a beaming Pelosi who was clearly very satisfied with herself.

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This isn’t the first time Pelosi went off the rails when it comes to Joe Biden.

Back in 2019, Pelosi regaled the participants at a panel discussion with the folksy anecdote to defend the ex-veep after he was accused of sexual assault by former aide Tara Reid.

Watch below:

Pelosi may be far more lucid than Biden but her erratic behavior, volatile temperament, and efforts to broad-brush the Republican opposition as the enemies within as well as terrorists has to have some wondering whether she is mentally fit for the job.

There is something very badly off-kilter in Washington D.C. and it goes much deeper than the razor wire and military occupation of the nation’s capital.
