Popular conservative YouTuber Maggie VandenBerghe, who goes by “Fog City Midge” on social media, went undercover to find support for Joe Biden in the very liberal city of Houston, TX. That ended up being easier said than done.

In her video description, VandenBerghe says: “I disguised myself as a Biden ‘supporter’ & headed straight to the bluest, most Democrat area of Houston. What happened next was both surprising & amazing! Well that is unless you actually DO support Joe Biden!”

Watch the entire video below:

The first part of her political ‘treasure hunt‘ was fruitless, to say the least. The people she tried to interview in the beginning appeared to have an opinion, but none of them wanted to share it with her.

She later theorized that these were likely Trump supporters who were staying ‘silent’ because of her Biden gear.

Eventually, she found a few reluctant Biden “supporters”. But even then, none of them had any real substance as to why they were going to vote for him. Their main argument was that he was “not Trump”.

At one point in the video, she walks up to a man and asks “Are you voting?”

He responds yes, but he said he “didn’t know” who he was voting for.

“You haven’t decided yet!? I feel like everybody has a very strong opinion about this. I feel like you have an opinion, but you’re just not telling me”, she responds.

“Nah we’re good”, he said.

After finding no support for Biden, she tells the camera “Nobody is voting! People don’t like Joe Biden”. A man overheard this and yelled “I’m voting!”

“Who are you voting for?”, she responds.

“I’m voting for Trump! Because I care about this country!”, he shouted back.

As I said above, she eventually comes across a few people who definitively say they are voting for Biden, but their reasons for why leave a lot to be desired.

“He’s been in office for 47 years, what is your favorite accomplishment of his?”, the YouTuber asks a couple who said they support the former Vice President.

I – I don’t know. Honestly“, said a woman after letting out a loud sigh.

The man who was with her responded this way: “If he wasn’t connected to Obama, I probably wouldn’t know much about him. Again – I’ll admit – I’m not as familiar with Biden, its just that I haven’t really needed to follow him  as much because he hasn’t been in the spotlight for the reasons that Trump has”

At the end of the day, VandenBerghe discovered that there are not really many true Joe Biden “supporters”. The only people who seem to be voting for him are the people who hate Trump.

Make sure to follow Maggie on YouTube for more great content.


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump