On Wednesday, Jen Psaki blamed the American people for Joe Biden’s Covid failures.

“What ever happened to President [Joe] Biden’s promise to shut down the virus?” Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked the left-wing Press Secretary.

“We’re working on it, Peter,” Psaki said, clearly irritated.

“There’s another variant here, is the idea that you want people to wrap their heads around that the president, instead of shutting down the virus, is gonna try to help people amidst the virus?” Doocy pressed.

“What we can do, as the federal government, is make those vaccines free, make the boosters free, make them available. The president will talk more about what we’re going to do tomorrow,” Psaki responded.

“But we need the American people to do more, who are not vaccinated to help us continue to fight the virus,” Psaki said.


Why does the Biden administration always blame other people for their problems? Sad!


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump