Former President Donald Trump really is at his best when he’s addressing a crowd of supporters as he did Saturday evening in Ohio, the first of many expected campaign events as he hits the trail on behalf of MAGA candidates running against RINOs who voted to impeach him in January.

And as he always does, Trump was real, telling it like it is, not sugar-coating anything in his typical no-holds-barred fashion.

It was classic Trump, and it was glorious.

“Joe Biden is destroying our nation right before our very own eyes,” he told supporters in Wellington as he worked up a frenzy on behalf of GOP primary candidate Max Miller, who will oppose anti-Trump Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, R-Ohio, ahead of the 2022 midterms.

“After just five months the Biden administration is already a complete and total catastrophe. I told you,” Trump said to cheers.

“Crime is surging. Murders are soaring. Police departments are being gutted. Illegal aliens are overrunning their borders. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it,” he added.

“Our poor borders. They was so perfect. They were so good,” the former president noted further.

“Drug cartels and human traffickers are back in business like they’ve never been before. They’re doing numbers that they’ve never even thought possible,” he said.

“Just a few short months ago, drugs were way down, human trafficking was way down. It was all way down.”

Continuing, the former president boldly predicted that the GOP would retake Congress next year.

“We’re going to take back the House,” Trump added. “We’re going to take back the Senate, and we will take back America.”

“So you have to deliver massive majorities for Republicans in Congress next year – have to do it,” Trump noted further. “Right here in Ohio’s 16th congressional district you have the opportunity to elect an incredible patriot to Congress, who I know very well.

“He grew up in this area, believe it or not; he’s not a carpetbagger, like so many lot of them. They say, ‘Sir, I’m running for Congress, so I say, ‘Good, how long have you lived there?’” he added.

“Max Miller. You know, Max. He loves our country. He loves the people of Ohio. And Max was a trusted aide of mine in the White House. We had great people working for me. We had some real losers, too, by the way,” said Trump.

“Max’s opponent is a guy named Anthony Gonzalez, bad news,” Trump told the cheering crowd. “He’s a grandstanding, RINO [Republican in Name Only], not respected in D.C, who voted for the unhinged, unconstitutional illegal impeachment, which hunt – the witch hunt.”

“He’s a sellout,” Trump added. “He’s a fake Republican and a disgrace to your state. I will tell you that, and he’s not the candidate that you want representing the Republican Party. He’s the candidate of [Wyoming GOP Rep.] Liz Cheney. That’s another beauty.”

“With the help of everyone here tonight and patriots all across the country, we will do all that we are supposed to be doing and much more when we win giant Republican majorities next year,” he said later.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.