President Trump knows the liberal media is nothing but a propaganda arm of the Democrat party, and he rubbed it in their face on Sunday.

During a rare weekend press conference, President Trump looked at reporters dead in the eyes and said ‘I hope you had a great weekend at your convention’. When you watch the video, look for the strong emphasis on the word ‘your’.

Watch below:

The media was utterly silent because they knew that he was telling the truth. In fact, everyone knows he’s telling the truth.

For many years now, the media has become the propaganda machine for the Democrat party, and finally we have a President who is calling it like it is.

At this same press conference, President Trump announced an emergency authorization of convalescent plasma amid the ongoing battle against the Chinese virus.

“The FDA has issued an emergency use authorization … for a treatment known as convalescent plasma. This is a powerful therapy that transfuses very, very strong antibodies from the blood of recovered patients to help treat patients battling a current infection,” Trump said. “It’s had an incredible rate of success. Today’s action will dramatically expand access to this treatment,” the president said.

Watch that announcement here:

This could very well be the COVID breakthrough we’ve been waiting for.

More information is sure to come out, but this is very encouraging to say the least.

Check back for more updates…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump