There are few who are better at cutting through the dishonesty of the left than Tucker Carlson, and he just unloaded on a new study claiming that there is no bias against conservatives on social media.

On Tuesday’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the host pointed out how the Big Tech oligarchs who control the most popular forums for communication in America have abused their massive power to censor those who disagree with them.

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The study, which was produced by researchers at far-left New York University and funded by one of the Silicon Valley billionaires, concluded that there was no evidence that conservatives were unfairly targeted by the platforms, specifically Twitter.

Here is Tuckers blistering response:


“For several years now, we’ve been telling you that the biggest threat to Americans’ basic freedoms is huge, publicly held corporations, particularly the tech monopolies,” Tucker began.

“Unlike the federal government — which, while stupid and dangerous, you theoretically have some control over — these corporations aren’t interested in what you think, and yet they have enormous control over your life,” he added.

“However, our friends in the academic research community (specifically, New York University) have provided us with a corrective. On Monday, a pair of NYU researchers released what they described as a study of social media and censorship. The study authors didn’t hide their conclusions in footnotes. They got right to it in the title,” he continued.

“This new paper is called “False Accusation, The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Companies Censor Conservatives.” On page 16, right there in black and white, we learn that “Conservatives frequently point to Twitter’s practice of suspending or permanently banning account holders as evidence of bias against the right.” Happily, the study concludes, “facts don’t support this claim. Conservatives do get suspended or banned for violating Twitter’s rules against such things as harassment, hateful conduct, or, as in Trump’s case, glorifying violence. But liberals are excluded in this fashion, as well,” Tucker added.

Then, the Fox News host debunked the study by looking at a singular line.

Can we get some numbers on that, NYU? No, actually we can’t. In the words of the study, “[p]inning down precise proportions is impossible because Twitter doesn’t release sufficient data.” Are you following the reasoning here? Their conclusion is that Twitter is not biased and we can be certain it’s not biased because Twitter refuses to release data on who it bans. Case closed.” Tucker concluded.

Read his entire monologue HERE.

There was however one major flaw in the study in that Twitter refuses to release the data on who it bans but one big name should be familiar to everyone: Donald J. Trump.

The now-former president of the United States was universally de-platformed in what was a coordinated effort by Big Tech one day after Michelle Obama called for the permanent banning of the leader of the free world while he was still in office.

Not only was the sitting POTUS silenced, but Big Tech oligarchs also exploited the chaos in Washington that resulted in a brief occupation of the U.S. Capitol to eliminate their competition by destroying upstart social media platform Parler to eliminate any defense of Trump.

More on the study via the Daily Caller:

The NYU researchers relied on input from employees from Google, Twitter and Facebook for their “time and insight” for the study, according to the acknowledgement section of the report. No conservative groups appear to have been consulted for the study.

The authors noted Newmark’s financial support for the project, but did not describe his political leanings.

Newmark, the founder of Craigslist, gave $100,000 to the Biden Victory Fund, a political committee affiliated with the Biden campaign, and $35,500 to the DNC in June 2020, according to Federal Election Commission records.

He donated tens of thousands of dollars to President Obama’s campaign, the Hillary Clinton campaign and to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Democrats have effectively used their friends in Silicon Valley tech companies and the university indoctrination mills to create an alternate reality and to completely ignore that pesky First Amendment by outsourcing the one-party government’s dirty work to their political allies.

And as Carlson points out, it is all thoroughly corrupt.
