Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Rep. Maxine Waters made a slew of horrific comments over the weekend about police in America.

During an interview on Spectrum News 1’s “In Focus SoCal,” Waters said police in America believe “their greatest challenge and their greatest choir is to keep black people in their place.”

Anchor Tanya McRae asked, “We again witnessed racial tensions explode in this country after the death of George Floyd. Why do you think this country has such difficulty learning from history and making real changes when it comes to violence and injustice done to black people.”

Waters said, “I believe that it stems from the history of this country. It stems from slavery when whites were absolutely in charge, and they absolutely controlled the lives of people and their families.”

“They decided to separate families and send the boys in one direction, the girls in another the mothers to the big house. I mean, they’ve always been in charge,” she added.

“I think that this thinking about the need to control, the need to you know, make sure that people stay in their place, so-called, has been what has basically what has happened in America all of these years. And I think it continues in various ways. Sometimes a little bit more sophisticated ways,” Waters claimed.

She added, “The police, I think really believe and in some ways are led to believe that their greatest challenge and their greatest choir is to keep black people in their place.”

This is the second time in recent weeks where Waters has made a total fool of herself.

During an interview earlier this month on MSNBC, Waters was called out for encouraging violence against Republicans.

In an old video clip, Waters said, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up, and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out, and you create a crowd, and you push back on them. You tell them that they’re not welcome anymore anywhere! We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents. The children are suffering.”

MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi said, “I was able to play that clip that you were referring to from June 23rd, 2018, where you’re asking people to confront Republicans at department stores, gas stations, and restaurants and tell them they’re not welcome. That’s the stuff that Donald Trump’s attorneys say proves that you and others are doing the same thing Donald Trump was doing on January 6th and in the days before that. What’s the difference?”

Waters replied, “They’re going to try it, but nothing any Democrat that I know of have ever said or acted in the way the president of the United States has acted. People must realize this president was out to destroy our democracy if he could not be president. He sent those people, those domestic terrorists, to the Capitol to take over the Capitol. Even they are saying so. They’re saying they were invited by the president. The president was rallying them right before they went. He told them to be tough. He told them to take back their government. And so nothing equals that.”


Velshi persisted, “So let me ask you because this is what they’re going to say. Can you say that you have not glorified or encouraged violence against Republicans?”

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Waters falsely said, “Absolutely, I can say it. As a matter of fact, if you look at the words that I used, the strongest thing I was was to tell them they’re not welcome, talk to them, tell them they’re not welcome. I didn’t say go and fight. I didn’t say anybody was going to have any violence. So they can’t make that statement.”
