Former president Donald Trump went to Georgia this weekend for the first time in 2022 in a bid to provide a boost to former-Senator-turned-gubernatorial-candidate David Perdue and his trailing campaign to incumbent Brian Kemp. Ever since the 2020 election results were finalized, Trump has soured on Kemp.

As Fox News put it, the current Georgia governor “earned Trump’s ire starting in late 2020, after Kemp certified Joe Biden’s narrow victory in Georgia in the presidential election following two recounts of the vote.”

Bloomberg reported some additional details about the event:

“Donald Trump tried to rouse Georgia Republican voters to back struggling primary challenger David Perdue against incumbent Republican Governor Brian Kemp in a rally on Saturday night, less than two months before an election that will test the former president’s status as GOP kingmaker.”

“Before we can defeat the Democrat socialists and communists, which is exactly what we’re running against at the ballot box this fall, we first have to defeat the RINO sellouts and the losers in the primaries this spring,” Trump said.”

As always, Donald Trump hits a chord with his unfiltered truth-telling. While Democrats are stupid and evil, it is hard to get much done in the way of limited federal governance and protection of individual liberties when sell-out RINOS dominate the field. What have Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzginer, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, and so many others done for this country lately?

At least the Democrats are honest about their hatred of you, me, and America in general. RINOS pretend to care to earn our votes, then stab us in the back anyways.

The New York Post continued with its own recap on Trump’s huge night:

“‘Brian Kemp is a turncoat, a coward, and a complete and total disaster,’ the 45th president told a crowd of supporters in Commerce, Georgia of the fellow Republican, whom he helped get elected in 2018.

Trump has thrown his weight behind former Sen. David Perdue, who will face off against Kemp in the May 24 primary ahead of the pivotal midterm elections this year.

Georgia is being closely eyed as a battleground to determine how much influence Trump still wields in the Republican Party, more than a year after he left the White House.”

Of note is that final line from the Post article. As seen in the Bloomberg and Fox News pieces as well, the idea of Trump the kingmaker is weighing as heavily as the specific bid by Perdue for the governor’s mansion in the Peach State. In all, Trump has handed out over 130 federal, state, and local endorsements in 34 different states so far since leaving office. Many of these endorsements are running in primaries or generals this upcoming summer and fall and it remains to be seen what a backing by the former president means moving forward.

In the hotly-contested Georgia governor’s race, a Fox News poll from earlier this month showed Trump-backed Perdue losing to the Trump-maligned Kemp by double digits. At the same time, the Georgia Senate race shows Trump-backed candidate Hershell Walker lighting up the competition for a bid to compete against commuinist idiot Raphael Warnock in the November midterms.
