CBS “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert clearly hates America and everything the country stands for because he asked Democratic New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, if she was thinking about potentially running for president in 2024 when she appeared on his talk show Tuesday.

This is honestly the worst idea in the long history of very bad ideas. A presidency with AOC at the helm would spell certain doom and destruction for everything that is good and right about this nation of ours. It’s the kind of suggestion that gives me a bad case of the willies.

“I know somebody who is going to turn 35 about a month before the election in 2024, and they represent New York’s 14th,” Colbert went on to say after pointing out speculation that President Joe Biden might not be running for a second term. “Is that job appealing to you at all?”

AOC replied by saying, ““I think that we need to focus on keeping a democracy for anybody to be president in the next couple of years,” Ocasio-Cortez told the late-night host. “My central focus is helping the people of this country right now.”

“So, it’s possible?” Colbert responded to Ocasio-Cortez, according to WND.

AOC once again demurred, seemingly expressing uncertainty about the possibility of giving the White House a shot.

“I’m just here to get you in trouble,” Colbert confessed.

“Exactly! You’re getting me in trouble,” she said.

“Ocasio-Cortez earlier called for the impeachment of Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, claiming they misled Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine during the confirmation process about the justices’ views on Roe v. Wade,” WND reported.

AOC, appearing in a segment on the “Meet the Press” program, said, “This is a crisis of legitimacy and President Biden must address that.”

Can you imagine the absolute disaster this woman would be in the White House? It would be like having a female Che Guevara in the Oval Office. Just the thought of that makes my stomach churn faster than an Amish lady making butter.

You know the far leftist agenda would be in full swing at that point, which is a total horror show to think about. Jason Vorhees, Freddy Kreuger, Michael Myers…they’re as scary as a cotton-tailed bunny rabbit compared to the belief system and idiocy displayed by Ocasio-Cortez.

AOC would have access to the nuclear launch codes, folks. The same gal who couldn’t name the three branches of government or figure out how to work a garbage disposal, would have the capability to end the entire world at the press of a button. If that doesn’t give you heartburn and indigestion, what will?

I’m not at all opposed to a female president, but please, for the love of all that is good and righteous in this world, don’t let it be her. Shame on Colbert for even suggesting such a horrible thing.

Let’s hope that she doesn’t give any real, legitimate consideration to the idea anytime soon. Worrying about the possibility of Biden or someone like him running the show in 2024 is scary enough.
