One of the ways in which American Marxists are creating chaos and anarchy in our biggest cities is by working to elect like-minded prosecutors to office.

Once in office, these Left-wing operatives implement what they call ‘bail reform,’ which are policies aimed at eliminating all bail requirements for a range of charges – and mostly for minorities – under the false premise of ensuring ‘fairness’ and to reverse ‘years’ of ‘systemic racism.’

Without having to worry about coming up with bail, offenders – including violent offenders – are quickly released back into the cities they terrorize, empowered by the belief that no matter what they do, up to a certain point, they’re going to get by with it.

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And in New York City, that includes bashing the highest-ranking NYPD official – the chief – in the head with a large stick, as well as two other officers.

“Quran Campbell, 25, is accused of socking the highest-ranking uniformed cop [NYPD Chief Terence Monahan] several times in the face as Monahan tried to arrest him after Campbell had allegedly punched another NYPD officer and lieutenant” near the Manhattan approach to the Brooklyn Bridge, the New York Post reported.

In addition, the paper reported that a second man, 25-year-old Banks Shaborn, was also arrested for allegedly “clocking the same lieutenant, Richard Mack, of the department’s Strategic Response Group, multiple times in the face during the scuffle.”

It should be noted that both of Mack’s orbital bones were broken during the attack.

“They are part of this anarchist group that has been infiltrating this Black Lives movement since the beginning,” Monahan said. “This is what we dealt with since the first protest after George Floyd. It is a legitimate movement, but it is being hijacked by these anarchists, and they are the ones that have been attacking our police officers [and] are out hiding behind the many, many peaceful protesters that are out there.”

“Three officers violently attacked by protesters crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. The officers sustained serious injuries,” the department wrote. “This is not peaceful protest, this will not be tolerated.”

Except that such attacks are being tolerated – by the administration of cop-hating Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has thrown his police department under the bus so many times it’s a wonder any cop shows up for duty these days.

Which, of course, is the point: You can’t have a Marxist revolution with calm, order, and a functional justice system.

In any event, the dramatic uptick in violence in NYC is getting the attention of residents, especially those in some of the most vulnerable communities.

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The Daily Wire notes:

Leaders in the black community in New York City have started to call on the NYPD to deal with the surge in violent crime around the city by bringing back the department’s plainclothes anti-crime unit which was recently dismantled as anti-police sentiment soared in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a former cop, became the second prominent member of the African-American community to call for the reinstitution of the Anti-Crime Unit, CBS New York reported Monday. 

“This, as shootings for the week went up 277%, 49 compared to 13 in 2019. The number of victims is up 253%, 60 compared to 17 in 2019.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.