Whenever the Left-wing cancel culture mob wants to boycott someone or something because they’re ‘outraged’ over the fact that people disagree with them, there’s nothing wrong with that.

And when the cancel culture mob decides that a boycott is on, it’s on, and don’t you dare try to break the boycott by supporting the targeted person/sports team/company.

You may recall last week that Robert Unanue, the CEO of Goya Foods, spoke highly of President Donald Trump at an event to mark new programs the Trump administration was launching to support Hispanic progress, education, and business initiatives. 

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“We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,” Unanue said during the Rose Garden speech.

“We have an incredible builder. And we pray. We pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country — that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”

At the same time, Unanue announced that his company would, along with partners, “ donate 1 million cans of Goya chickpeas and 1 million pounds of food to food banks,” NPR reported.

Well, we can’t have anyone praising President Trump, the perpetually outraged cancel culture mob screeched. Boom! Boycott of Goya Foods!

Only, the boycott backfired. Not only did scores of Americans who appreciate the fact that the grandson of a Spanish immigrant can sustain and grow a company step up to support him, so, too, did first daughter Ivanka Trump.

She tweeted out a pic of her holding a can of Goya Black Beans, writing, “If it’s Goya, it has to be good,” adding that phrase in Spanish.

Cue the mob!

Naturally she was savaged by keyboard warriors on social media because she has the intestinal fortitude to stand up for a man and a company trying to do good things for his Hispanic community.

But the White House couldn’t let that stand. The administration came to the first daughter’s defense by pointing out some obvious truths.

White House specialty media director Carolina Hurley released a statement placing blame on the media and cancel culture for the criticism Trump received.

“Only the media and the cancel culture movement would criticize Ivanka for showing her personal support for a company that has been unfairly mocked, boycotted and ridiculed for supporting this administration – one that has consistently fought for and delivered for the Hispanic community,” Hurley said.

She noted further, “Ivanka is proud of this strong, Hispanic-owned business with deep roots in the U.S. and has every right to express her personal support.”

In addition, President Trump tweeted that thanks to the outrage cancel mob, Goya Foods is doing gangbusters as his supporters buy up loads of Goya products, even donating many of them to food banks.

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“.@GoyaFoods is doing GREAT. The Radical Left smear machine backfired, people are buying like crazy!”

Unanue also took the high road.

“Our country faces a time of historic challenge but we will meet that challenge together and continue to work towards greatness, focus on a strong recovery, and hold onto the hope for a healthier future for all,” Unanue said a the statement last week.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.