The Republican National Committee has released a brutal but highly effective takedown of the Biden-Harris regime in a new ad launched via social media on Friday that blasts the president and vice president for their disaster at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Right at the bell, the RNC comes out swinging with this statement accompanying the video: “100 days of failures, 100 days of negative headlines, & 100 days of Kamala being border czar.”

It begins by showing “how the Biden administration thinks it’s going” as clips play of Harris and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claiming “we’re making progress.”

A clip of Biden adds, “we’ve now gotten control.”

The video then goes on to show what’s really taking place along sections of the border: Floods of humanity and drugs, especially Fentanyl, which is flowing so freely in to America that overdoses are up by the thousands — nearly 20,000 to be exact — this year over last year.

Also, more than 61,000 migrants that were apprehended along the border have since been released into the interior of the country, where, of course, most will simply disappear and never show up for their immigration/asylum court hearing. Some 5,800 are being apprehended at the border by the day. And these are just the people our overworked, overburdened border agents find.

All under the tutelage of Joe Biden and his ‘border czar,’ Kamala Harris.

The RNC released a statement along with the video:

Today, Republican National Committee (RNC) Communications Director Danielle Alvarez released the following statement on Kamala Harris’s 100 days as border czar:

“Over the last 100 days, if Kamala Harris had wanted to address the root causes of the Biden border crisis, all she had to do was simply walk down the hall to the Oval Office. It is the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies and failed leadership that have caused this crisis, and as a result, our communities are less safe, drugs are pouring into our country and criminal activity at our southern border runs rampant. While Democrats in Washington fail to protect the American people they were elected to serve, Republican leaders are stepping up to address the crisis and put Americans first.”

“Americans can see through Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ lies about the Biden border crisis,” the RNC also tweeted.

“Thank goodness for Donald Trump or we never would have gotten Kamala Harris to the border. Almost 100 days. If this is how she handles a crisis, God help us if she ever becomes president,” added former UN ambassador and GOP South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

“This is embarrassing,” Haley stated earlier during an interview on Fox News.

“Any leader knows you can’t fix what you can’t see. She hasn’t been on the ground, she hasn’t talked to Border Patrol – she doesn’t know what is happening there,” she said.

It’s hard to imagine an administration that has failed so spectacularly so early in its tenure than the current one. Maybe Jimmy Carter runs a close second, as Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas said Thursday.

“[T]here’s an analog in relatively recent history, and that’s to Jimmy Carter,” said the GOP lawmaker said. “And I believe Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0.

“We’re five months into the Biden administration. We — we already have a gas crisis, gas lines, an inflation crisis, war in the Middle East,” the Texas Republican noted further.

“And the same sort of ideology and incompetence that the — that characterized the Carter regime, characterizes now the Biden-Harris regime, and it took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan.”


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.