It’s no secret that Donald Trump was not the favored candidate on either side of the fence in 2016, so when he won, the revulsion at his victory was about the last time most Democrats and Republicans in Congress agreed on anything.

We’ve seen evidence of that ‘bipartisan’ hatred of Trump since he’s been in Washington. When the GOP controlled the House and Senate as well as the White House during his first two years in office, they refused to repeal Obamacare, though they had repeatedly claimed they would do so. 

The Republican majority also refused to fund President Trump’s proposed border wall, though, again, they had repeatedly promised to strengthen our border boundaries before the billionaire entrepreneur beat Hillary Clinton. 

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Republicans barely got a major tax reform bill passed during that time.

Now we learn that another member of his administration, then-presidential adviser Steve Bannon, was in the sights of the Republican majority that controlled the Senate Intelligence Committee.

As Newsmax reports, the committee asked federal prosecutors to launch an investigation to determine whether Bannon had lied to them during a half-hearted probe into the Obama administration’s ‘Spygate’ scandal:

The committee sent a letter, signed by Republican Sen. Richard M. Burr and ranking Democrat Sen. Mark Warner, to the Justice Department requesting the investigation of Bannon, who ran Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The letter was read by editors at The Los Angeles Times.

“As you are aware, the Committee is conducting an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election,” the letter states, according to The Times. “As part of that inquiry, and as a result of witness interviews and document production, we now have reason to believe that the following individuals may have committed a criminal act.”

The news of the letter arrives as the committee is nearing the release of its final report of its investigation into Russian election meddling.

The letter said Bannon may have lied during testimony about what he knew about a meeting that involved Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Russian sovereign fund. Dmitriev reportedly met with private security contractor Erik Prince and hedge fund manager Rick Gerson in the Seychelles islands.

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Prince — whose sister is Betsy DeVos, the Education secretary — isn’t a favorite of the Washington establishment, either. The former Navy SEAL officer was a founder of private security company Blackwater, which ‘did a lot of work’ on behalf of Uncle Sam in Iraq, as well as other places. So he knows a lot about a lot of people ‘behind the scenes.’ The committee believes he may also have lied to them, Newsmax added.

And, of course, Bannon – himself a former Naval officer – was never ‘of the Washington establishment.’ In fact, most of Trump’s initial team was comprised of outsiders, which is why a) the deep state attempted to infiltrate his campaign and administration with spies like Stephen Halper; b) there exists a #NeverTrump faction of disaffected GOP operatives (like those bozos who formed The Lincoln Project); and c) there has been a concerted, bipartisan effort to depose him since.

If Donald Trump has learned one thing, it’s to never trust the Beltway crowd. And they keep proving him right.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.