Just when your liberal friends were convinced that Donald Trump really is a racist bigot and white supremacist, despite all of the evidence to the contrary, a real live white supremacist announces he’s going to vote for the president’s rival: Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Oh, and for Democrats in general, because they are much more preferable to him than Republicans and our alleged ‘KKK-supporting’ president.

Richard Spencer is a lightning rod of controversy. And while our First Amendment gives him the right to speak his mind, virtually no one in America sides with him. 

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But he sides with a large plurality of the country: Spencer appears to be a born-again Democrat.

“I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on ‘accelerationism’ or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people,” Spencer the racist wrote.

Naturally, conservatives pounced. 

“Yes, America’s leading white supremacist is a progressive Democrat! I showed this in my last movie but the Left pretended it was not the case. So let him tell you himself,” conservative activist, documentarian, and author Dinesh D’Souza wrote on Twitter.

Here’s a fun consideration: Do you think the mainstream media would have ignored Spencer’s declaration if he had said he’s voting for President Trump and a straight Republican ticket – like they are ignoring his commitment to vote for Biden?

You know the answer to that.

And for the record, as of this writing, the endorsement did earn a rejection by the Biden campaign. 

“When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling out from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means. What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here,” Andrew Bates, the director of rapid response for Biden’s campaign, tweeted.

But Newsweek misidentified Spencer as “alt-Right.” How can you be “alt-Right” and vote for the alt-Left party and its presidential nominee, calling them more “competent?”

The fact is, historically, the Democrat Party has had a history of embracing white supremacy, not the Republican Party.

“When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling out from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means. What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here,” Andrew Bates, the director of rapid response for Biden’s campaign, tweeted.

But Newsweek misidentified Spencer as “alt-Right.” How can you be “alt-Right” and vote for the alt-Left party and its presidential nominee?

In fact, white supremacy in America, throughout the history of today’s two major parties, was inherent in the Democratic Party.

“Founded in 1865, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for Black Americans,” The History Channel notes

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“Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s,” the network adds.

In more recent times, it is the Democrats’ current presidential nominee, Biden, who opposed and tried to block the integration of public schools. Maybe this white Democrat was inspired by Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a renowned Democratic segregationist and racist who tried to block blacks from entering the University of Alabama in his state in the 1960s.

Face it: Biden’s party is the party of segregation, racism, and bigotry. And now they have a new white supremacist supporter. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.