If you’re one of the 71 million Americans who cast your ballot for President Donald Trump and have since watched as Democrat Party operatives in key battleground states work to steal the election for Joe Biden (with the help of a complicit media, of course), you’re angry and frustrated.

Actually, you’re angry and frustrated all over again; you’re angry and frustrated anew – because you have sat back and watched the deep state Democrat-media-intelligence community cabal launch one coup attempt after another after another at our president since before he even took his first oath of office.

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It’s unprecedented the operation to undermine Trump; there’s never been anything like it in the history of our country. Ever.

And, as we’re seeing following Election Day, it’s all happening again, right before our eyes.

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But we’re not supposed to be upset about it. We’re not supposed to be angry, or asked questions about obvious examples of vote fraud, voter improprieties, or the election procedures changed by state Democrats in the weeks before the Nov. 3 election to allow longer balloting deadlines and more mail-in balloting.

We’re supposed to ignore the growing number of people and GOP poll watchers who say their ballots didn’t count or that they were not permitted to witness vote counts and verify where ballots came from and whether they’re valid.


We’re just supposed to sick back, shut up, and watch our president’s massive victory be taken from him – from us – and like it because ‘that’s just the way it is.’

Or something like that, according to that lunatic left-wing hack and washed-up actress Whoopi Goldberg.

“The View” co-host berated Trump’s legions during the show on Monday, telling us we just have to “suck it up” that Biden is going to be the next president, apparently regardless how his victory comes about.

Oh, and who gave that ogre Trump the ‘right’ to challenge election results anyway? What’s this business about the ‘rule of law’ and “legal votes” he keeps rambling about?

“I want to bring something up right now. I want to say to all those people who don’t believe that Americans actually got out and voted, let me say this to you. When you-know-who [that’s President Trump to you, Whoopie) was elected four years ago, you know, Hillary Clinton didn’t say, hey, wait a minute. This doesn’t feel right. Stop the count. She didn’t say. This isn’t right. I’m not going for — she didn’t say any of that. So all of you, suck it up. Suck it up like we sucked it up. And if you are not sure that you are comfortable with Joe Biden, do what we did. Find things and then take it to the law, and if the law says it’s something to look at, look at it, but from now on, suck it up,” Goldberg said.

“Grow the pair for him that he can’t grow for himself because this is ridiculous. You’re not sure that he won. You’re bringing into question all these Americans who voted, legally came out, and stood and voted. How dare you question it,” she added.

No 1, we have ‘pair’ for you, Whoopie, and it’s not something you’d like very much – a pair of middle fingers.

Secondly, Hillary Clinton never accepted her defeat. And neither did any of the hacks on The View.

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To claim that Trump supporters and the president’s campaign, in the face of compelling evidence, should now sit down, shut up, and accept having an election stolen out from under us is ludicrous and stupid. 

It’s one thing for Goldberg to have an opinion. But she’s not entitled to her own set of facts.

Americans deserve free and fair elections, no matter who wins. We obviously did not get one this time around.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.