There was a reason why the media mob, Democrats, and NeverTrump RINOs like those fools at the misnamed “Lincoln Project” are piling on President Donald Trump to concede the race to rival Joe Biden: They know the longer he holds out, the more likely his campaign legal is to uncover enough voter irregularities to seriously challenge results in enough battleground states to secure a second term.

Earlier, we reported that a voter analysis in Michigan found at least 10,000 ‘dead people’ who ‘voted’ on Nov. 3, Election Day (yes, apparently Chicago-style Democratic machines exist in other parts of the country).

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Now, Republicans in Wisconsin say “thousands” of people in that state cast ballots – particularly new voters – who did not show a photo ID to cast ballots, listing themselves as “indefinitely confined.”

Yeah, right.

The Washington Examiner reports from Madison:

When requesting an absentee ballot, Wisconsin law allows voters to self-certify if they are “indefinitely confined” to their residence because of age, physical illness, or disability for an indefinite period of time. Doing so allows them to submit an absentee ballot without having to show any form of photo ID, although they must have a ballot witness sign off.

This year, the number of indefinitely confined voters soared amid the coronavirus pandemic, leaving Republicans saying they are concerned about potential fraud. In 2019, about 72,000 voters said they were indefinitely confined. That number reportedly ballooned to 243,000 this year.

Controversy arose in March, when the clerk of Dane County posted on social media that the governor’s lockdown order met the threshold for voters to be indefinably confined. Milwaukee County also issued similar guidance. But the state’s Supreme Court later sided with the GOP and said that the clerk’s “advice was legally incorrect.” Despite that, if a voter listed themselves as indefinitely confined during the primaries, an absentee ballot was automatically sent to them for the general election.

And because of that confusion, a GOP official told the outlet that perhaps thousands of people voted without complying with the state’s ID requirement.

“At what point does it become fraud? I think it became fraud in April when people were listing themselves as indefinitely confined when they were not. And that was just allowed to continue and get worse and worse,” the official said, adding that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling did not what should be done with people who had already listed themselves that way.

“It was a net loss of us, no question about it,” the official said, noting that 25,000 of the indefinitely confined voters were voting for the first time.

“We know there are people who are indefinitely confined. That’s what the law was put in place for, but they left a loophole which you could drive a truck through,” the official said.

Kenneth Dragotta, a board member of the Waukesha County Republican Party, told the Washington Examiner that the matter is extremely concerning to the GOP.

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“So you can register as indefinitely confined, and a ballot is going to be sent to you every election. You don’t even have to request it,” he said. “But here’s the problem. Indefinitely confined people are not required to provide proof of identification or an ID card. There’s no requirement that that be in the hands of the election commission or the municipal clerk prior to issuing a ballot.

“You don’t even have a voter ID requirement on those people that registered,” Dragotta added. “All you have is proof of residency that is required. But does that sound like a really robust, safe election process? I think not.”

After Democrats and their deep state allies failed repeatedly to drive President Trump from office using a fake Russian collusion narrative, impeachment, and the politicization of COVID-19, they obviously have been planning this vote theft operation for months, and probably years.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.