Wolf Blitzer should win a Pulitzer prize for his brave journalism feat this morning.

In a stunning show of bravery, the far-left CNN broadcaster took a selfie of himself in front of the Capitol building in DC to reflect on the 9 month anniversary of the January 6th protest.

“Nine months ago today – on Jan. 6, 2021 – an angry mob attacked the U.S. Capitol. I walked around the complex today and it was very calm. As you know, the perimeter security fence is gone – at least for now,” the caption read.

Get a load of this cringe tweet in all it’s glory:

As you can imagine, Twitter exploded with reaction:


The left’s obsession with January 6th will never end. They will continue to lie about that day despite the fact that the only person who was killed was an unarmed Trump supporter.

Far more damage and far more lives were lost at the hands of the BLM and Antifa thugs during the summer riots of 2020, but the left will never admit that.

What is your reaction to Wolf Blizters STUNNING and BRAVE journalism at the Capitol? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump