When Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan blew off the establishment of a ‘police-free zone’ in her city in early June as a way of allowing anarchists to take a piece of real estate she took an oath to protect and serve, we just knew bad things were in store. 

That’s because her “summer of love” analogy was about as out of touch as a New York Democrat is with a soybean farmer in Iowa.

And sure enough, those of us who well understand human nature were proven correct – and pretty quickly.

The so-called “CHOP” zone quickly devolved into a lawless enclave of depravity and murder. And the father of one of those people killed inside the zone wants Democratic leaders who looked the other way until they just couldn’t any more to take responsibility.

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He is suing the city, King County, and the state of Washington for $1 billion each, The Epoch Times reports:

The father of a teenager with special needs who was gunned down in Seattle’s so-called autonomous zone filed lawsuits this week against the city, county, and state, seeking $1 billion from each.

Lorenzo Anderson, 19, was killed on June 20 around 2:20 a.m.

City officials tolerated the zone, known as “CHOP,” for weeks before shutting it down on July 1 following the murders of Anderson and another black man.

Evan Oshan of Oshan & Associates is representing Horace Anderson, Lorenzo Anderson’s father. He told The Epoch Times that the lawlessness of the zone made the death foreseeable. 

A city spokeswoman told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that city officials are not able to comment on pending claims or litigation.

“There was no safety, there was no security. This whole region was completely abandoned and this special needs kid, basically, was put into a dangerous situation,” he said.

“It was a predictable, preventable death.”

It sure was.

One suit says the state abandoned the zone “without a working plan to provide essential services, creating a danger.” Following the shooting, the state then “failed to provide medical assistance to Lorenzo Anderson despite knowing it was urgently needed. He died.”

At the time, then-Police Chief Carmen Best warned that crime was soaring inside the zone and that officers could not get in there in a timely manner because they were fought and impeded by zone inhabitants.

“If that is your mother, your sister, your cousin, your neighbor’s kid that is being raped, robbed, assaulted, and otherwise victimized, you’re not going to want to have to report that it took the police three times longer to get there to provide services to them,” Best said on June 12.

Durkan, along with Gov. Jay Inslee, both refused federal assistance when President Trump offered.

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“This is the closest I’ve seen to becoming a lawless state that I’ve seen in my lifetime. You have an area of a city, a major urban area, in the United States of America, where armed people are in control of government-owned roadways, but also government-owned facilities, but also privately-owned buildings and privately-owned property,” Mike Solan, president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild told The Epoch Times in June.

Durkan now faces a recall effort because she’s not Left-wing enough, by the way. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.