Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich isn’t sure that President Donald Trump is going to be reelected.

He’s super-sure.

In fact, he has unequivocally predicted a blow-out by Trump of Democratic rival Joe Biden which, if it happens, further infuriate the left but embolden the president’s supporters like nothing short of attending one of his rallies.

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“I think Trump is going to carry 324 electoral votes,” Gingrich told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “And I think it will be an enormous shock—a bigger shock to the Establishment than 2016—because the country, the average American, is fed up with these politicians. 

“They’re fed up with being told, ‘You have to be locked down, but the politician and his family don’t have to be.’  [Americans] are also sick of being told, ‘You should be frightened!'” Gingrich continued.

“[Democrats are suggesting to Americans] Why don’t you live your life in fear? Quit being an American, and you too can become a European. That’s the core of this fight. And I think the President is winning it. I’m going to go out on a limb here. He is far more likely to be reelected than he is to ever win ‘Dancing With the Stars,'” added the former House Speaker and Georgia Republican.

“That’s true for a lot of us. That was a very certain prediction you gave: Over 300 electoral votes. If that happens, do you think the people [the establishment] who run this country for so long and did such a demonstrably bad job of it will get the message?” Carlson asked.

“No. Their entire life is invested in being profoundly wrong. For example, the guy who runs FiveThirtyEight [Nate Silver], who told us last time that Hillary had an 80 percent likelihood of being elected? Yesterday, he said Biden had a 90 percent chance of being elected,” Gingrich said. 

“These are people who don’t learn anything. All of their vested interests are the opposite of Donald Trump, and the teachers union isn’t going to become reasonable. [Same with] the pro-communist China investors.”

In a separate interview, White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany also said she believes the president will be reelected in a landslide she told “Fox & Friends” after calling Ohio and Florida “a lock” for the president.

“Our campaign believes that tonight will be a landslide,” she said.

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“We believe this will be a landslide and for the Biden campaign to come out and double down on Hillary Clinton’s egregious statement that no circumstance should you concede just tells you all you need to know,” she said.

The White House press secretary also predicted that the president will retain the states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan that he won from out of the blue – literally – four years ago, despite national polling claiming that he’s behind in all of those states.

“Our voters turn out on Election Day. Today is the day the American people speak and endorse President Trump,” McEnany concluded.

Time will tell. Americans will know, hopefully, in several more hours.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.