Oregon authorities stated last Friday that they are looking into the potential arson of a pregnancy center located in the state in what seems to be another attack on a pro-life organization, ahead of the Supreme Court announced its decision concerning Roe v. Wade.

According to a report from TheBlaze, the Seattle Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives revealed Friday that it was assisting the Gresham, Oregon police in investigating a fire at the Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center. The ATF stated that the fire appeared “suspicious in nature.”

“According to First Image, the Christian pro-life organization that owns the pregnancy center, the building was set ablaze at about 3 a.m. on Friday. Police and fire authorities said it appeared that an ‘incendiary device’ was thrown through a window, First Image said in a post on its website,” TheBlaze stated in its report.

The alarm center for the pregnancy center alerted the authorities. Firemen on the scene were able to put out the fire. Fortunately, the vast majority of the damage from the fire was contained to a single room. However, the damage in the room was extensive.

No one was hurt in the incident.

“We don’t know who’s involved in this. But there’s enough to tell us that it is suspicious in nature,” Gresham fire chief Jason McGowan stated during an interview with KOIN-TV on Friday. “And that’s why we need to have multiple agencies looking into it and seeing what exactly happened this morning.”

The attack on the Gresham pregnancy center follows several other attacks on centers in Buffalo, New York by radical pro-abortion activists, along with other crimes and acts of vandalism on other pro-life organizations.

“The kind of outrage that’s being directed at us is based on a complete misunderstanding and misrepresentation of who we are and how we have served the hundreds of thousands of people that have come to us over the decades,” First Image CEO Luke Cirillo stated. “This moment in our culture is volatile, and the spillover into violence is deeply destructive to the fabric of our communities. We reject and refuse to have any part in the culture of hate. Jesus has modeled a different way. It’s the way of love. That narrow way includes, as a challenge to us all, the love of those who hate us.”

Just how desperate the pro-abortion folks right now, as we wait to hear whether or not the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade and return abortion back to the states to regulate?

Desperate enough to not only commit acts of terrorism on pro-life organizations, but to attempt to assassinate Supreme Court Justices. Like Brett Kavanaugh for example. Last week an armed man was arrested close to his home after calling the police on himself, telling authorities he was planning to kill the justice, and then kill himself, TheBlaze reported.

Pro-abortion activists are really allowing their true colors to come through bright and shiny. They are so desperate to protect sex with no consequences that they are willing to commit acts of violence and vandalism to intimidate Supreme Court justices into preserving their perceived right to kill the unborn.

That’s the very definition of depravity.
