Team Biden went full bore on the LGBTQ+ train in a recent executive order regarding those individuals, one which has raised eyebrows because of how far it goes to position the feds to get involved in family decisions and issues traditionally deemed to be responsibilities of the states.

Most worrisome to many who have read the executive order are two paragraphs buried in the middle of it, in which Biden says:

Support families with LGBTQI+ youth. When youth come out as LGBTQI+, parents and family members often seek help to learn how to best support their child. When children face rejection by their families, they risk higher rates of homelessness and attempted suicide. To support families with LGBTQI+ youth, President Biden is directing HHS to expand access to voluntary family counseling and support programs to help support youth and families. The President’s Executive Order also charges the Center for Disease Control and Prevention with researching the impacts of family rejection on the mental health and long-term wellbeing of LGBTQI+ individuals.

Review access, and barriers, for families to federal programs and benefits. In spite of important progress in ensuring that same-sex married couples can access federal programs, many LGBTQI+ families continue to face barriers in accessing vital benefits and services. For LGBTQI+ people who have faced family rejection and rely on family structures without legal or blood ties, these barriers can be particularly pronounced. To strengthen supports for all families, the President’s Executive Order directs HHS to conduct a study of how current eligibility standards for federal programs impact LGBTQI+ and other households, and issue recommendations for more inclusive standards. The Executive Order also directs the Office of Management and Budget to coordinate with agencies as they seek opportunities to implement those recommendations in their programs and services.

That might sound fine at first glance, and indeed might sound even positive, as preventing suicide and homelessness seems a noble goal.

But, while that might be a positive basis, what it actually says is that the federal government will get involved in “researching” what harms family rejection of “LGBTQI+” individuals will have on them, meaning that the federal government will be getting deeply involved in family matters regarding sex and gender identity.

That’s particularly concerning when one considers what the feds have decided to do when they decide certain things are harmful to the aforementioned individuals: intervention.

In one part of the order, for example, Team Biden describes “conversion therapy” as harmful and says one of the order’s main goals is “Preventing so-called “conversion therapy” with a historic initiative to protect children from the harmful practice“.

Slightly later the order says:

As a candidate, President Biden pledged to help end so-called “conversion therapy” – a discredited and dangerous practice that seeks to suppress or change the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBTQI+ people. Today, President Biden is using his executive authority to launch an initiative to protect children across America and crack down on this harmful practice, which every major medical association in the United States has condemned.

If that’s the case with conversion therapy now that it has been deemed harmful by the powers that be, might the same not also be true if the “research” into family rejection of “LGBTQI+” individuals finds that it is harmful? Might “preventing” family rejection of such people or practices follow?

Perhaps that won’t be the case, as the report doesn’t explicitly state it to be the case. But, given the logic regarding conversion therapy and what the order says about family rejection of “LGBTQI+” practices and people, it seems to be a distinct possibility.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List
