The unhinged leftists at MSNBC are incredibly upset with Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey for “destroying America” with their social media platforms.

After weeks of blaming President Trump for the January 6th protests, liberal pundits are now turning their attention to Facebook and Twitter.

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“Those riots would not have happened but for Twitter, but for Facebook. Facebook’s algorithms were set up to cause this sort of radicalism to explode … Facebook and Twitter set up their business models in a way that would lead to the insurrection,” said Scarborough.


Mika followed up with a tirade of her own, telling Facebook executives they are “pathetic”.

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“You need to be shutdown. Nobody needs what you have to offer. You have destroyed this country!,” she added.

Watch her rant below:

What the media will never tell you is that the January 6th protests were not an “armed insurrection”. In fact, it was far from it.

Take a look at this new video released yesterday that shows Trump protesters quite literally being escorted into the Senate chamber:

What is your reaction to Mika’s meltdown? Comment below…


"The Coca Cola company is not happy with me -- that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage" -Donald J. Trump