In politics these days, two things are certain: 1) Former NYPD officer and Secret Service agent Dan Bongino is not afraid to speak his mind; and 2) Claire McCaskill makes a much better left-wing hack than she ever did a U.S. senator from Missouri.

The two exchanged fireworks Monday on Twitter over President Donald Trump’s short drive-by visit of supporters who were gathered outside Walter Reed Medical Center to wish him well as he continues recovering from COVID-19, which Democrats have politicized like it was their jobs since the pandemic began.


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“We should ALWAYS care about the Secret Service. But it’s fascinating how the media ONLY seems to give a s**t about their safety when they can use it to bash Trump. I coordinated security for Obama in a war zone in Afghanistan & I don’t recall 1 story about our safety then,” Bongino wrote.

McCaskill, who has never coordinated security in a war zone in Afghanistan, fired back, “What a jerk. To equate a President visiting troops in a war zone to a selfish narcissistic need to drive around the block to wave to a small group of his fans is embarrassing.”

‘Selfish’? ‘Narcissistic’? What in the world is she talking about? There were American citizens gathered outside the president’s suite at Walter Reed Medical Center to wish him well; what is ‘narcissistic’ about showing them some love in return by letting them get to actually see him, which they greatly appreciated, by the way?

And who is McCaskill to claim what Bongino wrote is “embarrassing?” To whom? She doesn’t get to speak for Dan the Man; he certainly is capable of speaking for himself.

And he did, in response.

“Tell that to my daughter, you epic piece of garbage, as she used to cry uncontrollably when she found out her dad was in a hot-zone for the safety of another. Delete your account you hack, you don’t know shit about honor, integrity, or dignity,” he fired back.

“I am so proud and in awe of the men and women who serve in our military, risking their lives for our country. Mr Bone Spurs, who wanted to take a ride around the block to see his fans, not so much,” McCaskill — who never served in the armed forces, either, responded.

“NO ONE is proud of you. You’re a fraud. And a coward,” Bongino clapped back.

McCaskill served two terms as a U.S. senator from Missouri before being trounced in 2018 by GOP challenger Josh Hawley.

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Bongino, by comparison, has actually been on the ground taking care of business, as a cop in the country’s largest city, and as an agent of the federal government protecting politicos, many of who are unappreciative and dismissive.

In any event, the president wasn’t doing anything but showing love and appreciation for Americans who took time out of their schedules to come show love and appreciation for him. Only a real jerk like McCaskill would find fault in that.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.