“The Five” co-host Juan Williams doesn’t often agree with his four conservative colleagues, which is the point of having him on the program, to begin with.

That said, Williams is usually honest, at least, in terms of his disagreements with co-hosts when it comes to discussing left-and-right policies.

But on Wednesday, not so much.

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The panel was discussing the escalating migrant crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, which Republicans are blaming, quite accurately, on Joe Biden’s reversals of President Donald Trump’s tough enforcement policies.

Most of the panel was of the opinion a) the border is becoming wide open; and b) it’s the fault of Biden and his policies, which are directly leading to new waves of migrants (as some migrants have said, by the way).

Even some Democrats have said as much.

But Williams disagreed, arguing flatly that “the border is not open” though “there is a problem at the border.”

“Biden is trying to deal with it, just as you said. I think he’s trying to deal with it in terms of legal process. So, he’s trying to move away from a militaristic approach or cruel policy approach of separating families from children,” Williams continued. “Biden is looking to the courts. He’s looking to the asylum process. He wants to get things moving quickly, but nobody is coming in. The border is not open!”

That prompted co-panelist Judge Jeanine Pirro to interject, “Did you just say the border is not open?”

As Williams attempted to respond, though, other co-hosts began to jump in as well, blending voices and making it difficult to follow anyone.

“Juan is having a hard time defending it because it’s indefensible,” Jesse Watters responded after everyone stopped talking. “We knew that Joe Biden was going to be a puppet of the radical left, but it turns out he’s a puppet for the drug cartels. Take the politics out of it. The cartels send the migrants one day, and then they shoot the drugs across the other side.”

Watters noted further that migrants “owe the cartels a favor” after they get into the U.S. and then must obey the cartels or their family members back home are at risk of being harmed or killed. He went on to say that Biden’s policies have “basically abolished ICE,” noting the agency’s arrests dipped a stunning “50 percent last month.”

As for the Biden White House, the president’s top immigration adviser, former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Roberta Jacobson, told a Hispanic journalist during a press briefing on Wednesday that yes, the border is open — before quickly reversing herself.

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“So I believe that it’s very important to highlight that THE BORDER IS NOT CLOSED…” Jacobson said.

“La frontera no esta cerrada,” she said — which, translated, is “the border is NOT closed.”

“The perils of code-switching, and a major gaffe by Roberta Jacobson whilst warning migrants not to make the journey to the U.S.: ‘So I believe that it’s very important to highlight that THE BORDER IS NOT CLOSED…,’” MRCLatino director Jorge Bonilla wrote on Twitter with a clip of Jacobson’s response.


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.