On Wednesday, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and other big tech billionaires gave testimony before a Senate committee where Republicans – not Democrats – expressed concerns about the platform’s blatant censorship.

To the untrained eye and ear, Dorsey sounded reasonable and measured. But, in fact, that was a ruse.

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The Twitter king and his platform’s anti-First Amendment minions are no better than the Communist Chinese, controlling what users can and cannot see based solely on political, cultural, and social positions. If you dare to disagree, you’ll be censored; if you put a huge squabble, then you’ll just be banned.

This includes the president of the United States, by the way, who became the first American elected official to be “fact-checked” (and incorrectly so) by Twitter earlier this year.

But, of course, President Trump wasn’t the last. Now, the head of Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan, has been targeted by the platform because he dared to sing the praises of the effectiveness of border fences in curbing (Anyone? Anyone?) illegal entry into our country.

The Federal has more:

According to screenshots shared exclusively with The Federalist, Twitter locked Morgan’s account Wednesday afternoon for apparently violating platform rules governing “hateful conduct” after the commissioner attempted to tweet about the wall’s benefits.

“You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease,” Twitter wrote in an email explaining the suspension. As is clear from the banned post’s text, the commissioner did not threaten anyone based on race, national origin, or anything else.

In fact, people who break into the United States are ‘diverse’ — that is, scores of ethnic groups are represented. It’s racist, in fact, to suggest that it’s only one or two ethnic groups who do so.

The Federalist noted that Morgan has been able to make several other posts touting the effectiveness of the CBP overall and the myriad of ways the agency is keeping the country safe.

But to the leftists at Twitter, as well as American leftists around the country, ‘The Migrant’ is a sacrosanct individual who must not be challenged or impugned in any way because they are the salt of the earth. Or something like that.

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“If you look at the tweet in question again,” Morgan told The Federalist, “every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, and pedophiles from entering our country. It’s just a fact.”

“If you look at the tweet in question again,” Morgan told The Federalist, “every mile helps us stop gang members, murderers, and pedophiles from entering our country. It’s just a fact.”

“I’m sure somebody on that Twitter team has heard that everyone that illegally enters are just good people looking for a better way of life,” Morgan said. “The American people ultimately don’t get to hear the truth because someone at Twitter, based on their own ideology, pushed a button to prevent the truth from coming out.”

Jack Dorsey may as well be running a state-owned media organization in China. 


Kutztown grad specializing in political drama and commentary. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter.