Team Brandon obviously doesn’t want to defend the border, as shown by the over two million illegals that crossed it to suck the wealth of America like a biblical plague of locusts last year and the over 1.7 million illegals that have already invaded the US this year, ready to start preying on America and shipping dollars out of the country to family members back home.

Well, as if Team Brandon’s just letting them go ahead and cross the border wasn’t bad enough, now things are getting even worse, with the taxpayer-subsidized Amtrak service apparently being used to help that invading horde, a horde not entirely unlike the mass of Goths that ended the Western Roman Empire, cross the border.

Such was exposed by Republicans on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in their letter to Stephen Gardner, the CEO of Amtrak, saying:

We write regarding Amtrak’s operations on the Southwest border with Mexico and potential service and ridership changes in the event Title 42 of the Public Health Service Act of 1944 is lifted. Due to the dysfunctional border policies of the Biden Administration, the United States Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) recorded an unprecedented number of border encounters in the last few years. To date, this fiscal year has seen over 1.7 million encounters at the border, over 600,000 more than last year at this time, and roughly 1.4 million more than in the last year of the previous Administration. We are concerned about the impact that a significantly greater border surge could cause to your services and the potential use of Amtrak in the Administration’s response to its self-created border crisis.

Continuing, after explaining how the ending of Title 42, which enabled the faster deportation of illegals on public health grounds, could lead to an even more problematic invasion, the letter writers then said:

If Title 42 ends, causing an overwhelming migrant surge at the border, we are deeply concerned that Amtrak’s resources – especially those supporting the Sunset Limited route – will be used to transport these undocumented persons. Such a situation would cause disruptions for Amtrak customers as well as interrupt freight traffic that could further exacerbate the supply chain crisis. Such actions would also constitute an unconscionable use of significant amounts of taxpayer funds and resources to aid in the vast movement of illegal migrants into American communities.

Of course, with Team Biden already sending illegals via bus and plane into the heartland (and GOP governors like Abbott and Ducey hilariously shipping them to sanctuary cities like New York City), it’s Amtrac is hardly the only problem.

But the use of a taxpayer-subsidized train service to directly harm American communities and fill the country with potential gang members, drug mules, and criminals seems particularly egregious, even for the incompetent and un-American Joe Biden regime.

We’ll see what happens, but what’s sad is that Amtrak’s use for such a purpose seems, at this point, perfectly possible.

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List

